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It was a dark night when a large band of dangerous looking warriors came into Hyrule. They came in with dark clothing. They came with only one purpose. To destroy Hyrule and bring utter Chaos.

It was morning when Link woke up. Link saw he was at Lake Hylia. He set up a camp there a few days ago. He noticed a huge tent right next to his. It was colored black. He crawled to it. He noticed a lot of warriors with many weapons. The warriors noticed him and they caught him. One of the warriors said,"Hey you guys, it's a Hylian!"

Another warrior laughed and shouted,"Yea lets beat him and get some information for the boss!"

The warriors manacled him and placed him in a cage. Link was furious! He let himself be captured and he would soon be beaten!

Two nasty looking interregators approached Link. They laughed and said,"Pretty scrawny one ain't he Ryoq?"

The other replied,"Yea he is very small. He must be at least 16 years old."

The first interregator said,"He will look 40 when we are through with him."

They both laughed. Link felt his stomach drop. He noticed the interregators had whips, a wicked looking stick, and poison tipped barbed wires.

Ryoq slashed at Link with the wires. Link screamed in pain. Already he felt the poison going into his bloodstream. The first interregator(who's name was Yongha)beat Link with the stick. Finally both men whipped him. Link couldn't scream anymore. He was unconcious. Yongha took out some plants out of his belt and stuffed it up Links mouth. Link woke up instantly. Ryoq sneered and spat. He said,"You won't get away that easy little boy."

Link felt anger within him. He broke the chains and yelled. He punched both interragtors and took he barbed wire. He used it and hit the evil men. Link then kicked them and ran off into the twilight.

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