Post Your Own Work

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Penname: Osiris [Contact] Real name: JoeyTravis
Member Since: Apr 09, 2005
Hey! I'm Joey.
I got sucked into skating at a pretty early age. I never fit into team sports, so that made me want to be a bit rebellious, but it turned out to be a bit important.
I'm not like some wierd pervert as some might think. And no, I don't believe in porno. I do believe a man and woman making love is sacred, and they should do it ONLY if they are truly in love with each other.

But enough about that stuff. I really like love stories, but I'm not gay. But I love writing my own version of stories.
I play Guitar, Piano, Flute, And the voilin. I am intermediate at all instruments, but I am best and guitar and piano.
I write my own songs in piano and do my own version of popular songs.

Well That's all! I hope you enjoy my stories!
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Saria and Link (Love story) by Osiris Rated: G starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 287]
Summary: A story about Link and Saria who both sometimes end up with each other in the most awkward and accidental ways. They spent one perfect day together showing how much they truly feel about each other. Enjoy! (Please contact me if there is anything wrong or anything left out. I'll be happy to write stories from request! Thanks!) ENJOY!! :)

[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (OoT & MM) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1541 ]

Published: Apr 09, 2005 | Updated: Apr 09, 2005

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