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Penname: Osiris [Contact] Real name: JoeyTravis
Member Since: Apr 09, 2005 Website: Bio: Hey! I'm Joey. I got sucked into skating at a pretty early age. I never fit into team sports, so that made me want to be a bit rebellious, but it turned out to be a bit important. I'm not like some wierd pervert as some might think. And no, I don't believe in porno. I do believe a man and woman making love is sacred, and they should do it ONLY if they are truly in love with each other. But enough about that stuff. I really like love stories, but I'm not gay. But I love writing my own version of stories. I play Guitar, Piano, Flute, And the voilin. I am intermediate at all instruments, but I am best and guitar and piano. I write my own songs in piano and do my own version of popular songs. Well That's all! I hope you enjoy my stories! Beta-reader: 0