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Zelda Series
Site Info
Penname: xrigidxdistancex [Contact] Real name: Andrea
Member Since: Feb 20, 2005 Website: Bio: I'm a huge Zelda fan, hence why I've come to this site. I like to read, write, video games are a huge thing for me, but there aren't as many avid girl gamers as I'd like there to be. (XP to you, boys) I have a boyfriend, and I love him very very much. Even though I'm 15 (Feb, 24) I am in love with him, but don't try and contradict me on that. I am and that's that. I will hear nothing from you people on that subject. I do draw, and I love anime. I've got a decent amount of Manga, still not as much as I'd like to have. (Not by FAR) But I'm more of a gamer than an anime junky. Anyway, that's about it aside from my nickname. I like being addressed as Ang (Ah- like what the doctor makes you say-n j) Yes it sounds weird, but my full name also has a different pronounciation. Ahn-drei-uh. Not Anndreeuh or Ahndreeuh. No. Ang is Ang XP (heheh. Ed is Ed) If anyone wants to contact me my e-mail is, my AIM SN is SpIkEhAsGuNs24 or xxxAkArUtxxx, MSN is same as e-mail, and yahoo is tsubasanotenchi -^^- Please join my baby site and roleplay! -puppy dog eyes- My xanga account is Tortalinioso ========================================= I really have to aplogize for how lazy I've been with posting -^^-'' I'm sorry... But I'm back! HAHAHA! Back back backedy back, and so is Released and my Crack! ...Um... that... came out sort of wrong.. -cough- Beta-reader: 0 Contact Author: Indicates required fields. Please be respectful and polite when contacting an author.