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Zelda Series
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Link (LoZ & AoL)
Ave Imperator by Bongo Bill Rated: PG-13    [Reviews - 15]
Summary: A century has passed since the events which the reader will know as "LoZ and AoL." The world, once again, has changed. An ancient evil, inextricably linked to the destiny of Hyrule, stirs once again in the Golden Land, gathers its strength to strike once more.... Amid all this, the world turns on unknowingly, and many eyes on the same goal: power. It has many unforeseeable twists in later parts, and I must apologize for the relative blandness of this first chapter. But, I say, it is bland only by comparison to the coming additions.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Zelda, Link (LoZ & AoL) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 8100 ]
Published: Mar 15, 2004 | Updated: Mar 15, 2004
Bargaining by Wizera Rated: G   [Reviews - 60]
Summary: Ever wondered what happens to Link at game over? Find out in this second place winner of the 2006 North Castle fanfiction contest.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (LoZ & AoL) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2830 ]
Published: Nov 26, 2007 | Updated: Nov 26, 2007
Bitlife is a new life for you. by Nanisa Rated: PG [Reviews - 7]
Summary: Are you prepared to play the game BitLife - Life Simulator and experience an interesting virtual life? Before your life is over, start your life over and make the right choices little by little, year by year, until you eventually become a model citizen.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link, Link (ALttP), Link (cartoon), Link (LA), Link (LoZ & AoL), Link (OoS & OoA) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 79 ]
Published: Jan 16, 2023 | Updated: Jan 16, 2023
Blonde by Dominaque Rated: G  [Reviews - 14]
Summary: To be Blonde
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (LoZ & AoL) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 67 ]
Published: Jan 28, 2005 | Updated: Jan 28, 2005
death is only the begining by yunsung Rated: PG  [Reviews - 21]
Summary: link wakes up goes to hyrule field kills a bunch of tekkies. then he gets to the market gets his new sword and it gets stolen by shrek and donkey
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (LoZ & AoL) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 300 ]
Published: Apr 05, 2004 | Updated: Apr 06, 2004
Legend of Zelda: The Fabric of Time - Part 3 - A Link Through Time by The Destined Hero Rated: PG-13    [Reviews - 12]
Summary: A few months after the events in "From Despair Rises Hope," Hyrule is plunged into a Dark Age. The remaining Hylians and their allies remain hidden in a secluded refuge. As their struggle for survival against Ganondorf continues, Link and Ian set out on their quest to find the Hero of Time's descendants. With Time as their enemy, the two adventurers must act quickly if they are to save the past, present, and future of Hyrule.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Zelda, Link (LoZ & AoL), Link (ALttP), Link (OoT & MM) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 48778 ]
Published: Apr 02, 2004 | Updated: Apr 02, 2004
Link and Zelda's journey by Tansy1988 Rated: NC-17     [Reviews - 45]
Summary: Link and Zelda are on a journey to get the last piece of the triforce from Ganondorf. What they don't know is that this quest will forever change their lives.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Zelda, Link (LoZ & AoL) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 3784 ]
Published: Nov 15, 2004 | Updated: Nov 15, 2004
Link's Troubling Past by Kyle Perkins Rated: PG-13 [Reviews - 10]
Summary: A story where Link has to figure out how his past can destroy the present and the future for Link, and how Ganon might use that to destroy Link once and for all.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (LoZ & AoL) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 257 ]
Published: Jul 11, 2005 | Updated: Jul 11, 2005
Madness Combat 5 by SomeKid614 Rated: R    [Reviews - 12]
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (LoZ & AoL) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 5 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 54 ]
Published: Jun 16, 2005 | Updated: Jun 16, 2005
Midnight by Wizera Rated: G [Reviews - 13]
Summary: This is my winning entry for the 2007 North Castle fanfiction contest, the theme of which was "ten" to celebrate the site's tenth anniversary. It tells the story from the point of view of the OCs of the North Castle RPG, ten seconds before midnight on New Year's Eve.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (LoZ & AoL) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2825 ]
Published: Dec 10, 2007 | Updated: Dec 10, 2007
Nightblade by Dragonwarrior Rated: G     [Reviews - 14]
Summary: Out of the whole Legend of Zelda series, Link's past is neither known or explained at any point. His future remains blank as well. This is a story about Link's life, mainly focusing on times that we don't know what is going on. Later on, it will contain crossovers to Fire Emblem, Lufia: The Legend Returns, Soul Caliber II, as well as many others. It will also contain reference to two fanfictions already posted on this site. These are "Origins" which was written by Kasuto of Kataan, and "The Story of Linette" by Magaret Hogan. Unfortunatly, I guess I was really tired when I read it (way to go Marching Band!), I misread the name as Lisette, but it is essentially the same person. As of the moment, it is rated G, but it will have violent quotes in it later on. For those of you who just saw this, I do know how to spell the word "Legend."
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Zelda, Link (LoZ & AoL), Link (ALttP), Link (LA), Link (OoS & OoA), Link (OoT & MM), Link (WW), Link (cartoon), Zelda (cartoon), Impa ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 2731 ]
Published: Oct 10, 2004 | Updated: Oct 30, 2004
Not The Same Kasuto by SomeKid614 Rated: G     [Reviews - 239]
Summary: It doesn't feel the same as the old days ya know?
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Darunia, Ganondorf Dragmire, Impa, Impa, Link, Link (ALttP), Link (cartoon), Link (LA), Link (LoZ & AoL), Link (OoS & OoA), Link (OoT & MM), Link (WW), Malon, Nabooru, Princess Zelda, Rauru, Ruto, Saria, Zelda, Zelda (cartoon) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 95 ]
Published: Jun 02, 2007 | Updated: Jun 02, 2007
Revenge of Evil by Redwolf_1726 Rated: R [Reviews - 12]
Summary: It may not be completed yet, but I would like to know how well I am doing on this so far. Basically it involves Link going to the Dark world of Hyrule. While is Evil Counterpart is sent, at the same time to the Light world of Hyrule.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Zelda, Link (LoZ & AoL) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 3486 ]
Published: Sep 24, 2004 | Updated: Sep 24, 2004